Class History
from the yearbook
We, the Senior Class of 1958, began our climb to success in 1954. We started this very important year with the competent help of our class officers, Don Coppernoll, President; Lonnis Talmadge, Vice President; Joan Wallace, Secretary; Ron Adams, Treasurer. Our class sponsors were Mrs. Slaugh and Miss McCarthy. Our class enrollment this year was 101 and with the help of the class members we had a slave sale, St. Patricks Day dance, an Apple Raffle, and we were the hosts at the Eighth Grade Visitation Day.
In September 1955 we started our Sophomore year. Leading our class this year were Daryl Wood, President; Gerald Hamilton, Vice President; Gail Dutton, Secretary; Ron Adams, Treasurer; and Sherman Griffen, Sergeant-at-Arms. Our advisors were Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Lewis. Some of the predominant activities were a skating party at the Roll-a-Dorm in Lansing, a pencil sale, and on March 23 a dance.
One of the biggest events in our Junior year was the ordering of our class rings on October 15, 1956. from the Terry Berry company. We received them January 7, 1957. Class officers were: Daryl Wood. President; Rexanne Beaumont, Vice President; Bernell Duke, Secretary; Ron Adams, Treasurer; and Joan Brenton. Historian. Mrs. Curtis. Mr. Waldo. Mr. Lee Mrs. Macklin, and Mrs. Fagg were our hard-working sponsors.
On March 28 and 29 we put on our play, SHY GUY, under the capable direction of Mr. Waldo. Some of our other activities were a dance, "House of Blue Lights" on March 17, 1956 and a movie, Othello on November 4, 1956.
On April 26, we honored the seniors with a prom, the theme of which was "MOONLIGHT AND ROSES" held at the Civic Center in Lansing.
Now, almost before we could realize it, our Senior year was here. We were guided this very important year by: Charles Hutchinson, President; Gerald Hamilton, Vice President; Rexanne Beaumont, Secretary; and Melvin Holloway, Treasurer. Our advisors were Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Teachout, Miss Greiner, and Mr. Byrum. In October our magazine sale started, in which we made a fairly good profit. Our play "FATHER WAS A HOUSEWIFE" given November 28 and 29 under the capable direction of Miss Zora Greiner, was a great success and was enjoyed by all. On May 9, 1958 we were honored by the juniors with a prom held at the Civic Center in Lansing.
On May 14, we went on our wonderful trip to Washington D.C. and returned on the 18th. The trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all who went.
Our class was represented in the last four years by the following people in the Student Council: Gary Moses, Ruth DeLeeuw, Sherman Griffen, Rosanne Cowing, Bill Durfee, Joan Brenton, Charles Ulrey. The Secretary and President of each year also served.
Our graduation was on May 29, 1958. Out of the 101 pupils who started in our class, 62 graduated.